name: 1 class: center middle main-title section-title-4 # Evaluating Model Performance .class-info[ **Session 29** .light[HES597: Introduction to Spatial Data in R<br> Boise State University Human-Environment Systems<br> Fall 2021] ] --- # For Today * Revisit the models from Thursday * Introduce methods for assessing model quality * Wrap up the semester --- # A quick revisit of our event occurrence models __Goal__: To develop a statistical approach for classifying locations into those where an event (probably) occurs and those where it does not __The challenge with linear models?__ --- # Logistic Regression * The _probability_ of occurrence is modeled as: $$ `\begin{eqnarray} y \sim \text{Bin}(p,n) \\ \\ \text{OR} \\ \\ y \sim \text{Bern}(p) \\ \\ \text{where}\\ \text{log}(\frac{p}{1-p}) = \mathbf{x}'\mathbf{\beta} + \alpha \end{eqnarray}` $$ * And fit in R using: ```r bin.reg <- glm(cbind(y.bin, 5-y.bin) ~ bio1 + bio17+ bio5 + bio6, family = binomial(link="logit"), data=bin.df ) bern.reg <- glm(y.bern ~ bio1 + bio17+ bio5 + bio6, family = binomial(link="logit"), data=bern.df ) ``` --- # Statistical classifiers * Random Forests - a bootstrapping approach for developing multiple 'decision trees' and synthesizing into a 'consensus' tree ```r reg.model <- y.bern ~ bio1 + bio5 + bio6 + bio12 + bio16 + bio17 rf1 <- randomForest(reg.model, data=bern.df) ``` * Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) - maximize the difference (entropy) between the model and a null (uniform) surface ```r maxent() ``` ``` ## This is MaxEnt version 3.4.3 ``` ```r <- maxent(pred.stack, pres.pts, nbg=200) ``` ``` ## This is MaxEnt version 3.4.3 ``` --- name: theory class: center middle main-title section-title-4 # Fit and Prediction --- class: center middle main-title section-title-4 # What do we mean by "fit"? --- # Model predictions vs observations * Sum of Squared Error not possible for non-linear models * Deviance - the difference between the model under consideration and _idealized, saturated_ model * Related to the Likelihood Ratio Test ```r null.bern <- glm(y.bern ~ 1, family = binomial(link="logit"), data=bern.df ) anova(bern.reg, null.bern) ``` ``` ## Analysis of Deviance Table ## ## Model 1: y.bern ~ bio1 + bio17 + bio5 + bio6 ## Model 2: y.bern ~ 1 ## Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance ## 1 95 41.763 ## 2 99 129.489 -4 -87.727 ``` --- # Also related to model selection approaches * Based on Kullback-Liebler Information and Information Theory * Penalized for complexity * _AIC, DIC, BIC, WAIC_ ```r AIC(bern.reg, null.bern) ``` ``` ## df AIC ## bern.reg 5 51.76273 ## null.bern 1 131.48933 ``` --- # Challenges with deviance and model-selection approaches * Restricted to actual observations (or theoretical assumptions) * Allows comparison between _nested_ models * Hard to compare statistical learning methods with more traditional model structures --- name: confusion class: center middle main-title section-title-4 # Threshold-based techniques --- # Classification more generally <figure> <img src="img/15/confmatx.png" alt="ZZZ" title="ZZZ" width="100%"> </figure> .caption[ From [James et al. 2020]( ] * Our interest is generally in how well our classifier performs --- # But we may care about certain errors more than others!! <figure> <img src="img/15/names.png" alt="ZZZ" title="ZZZ" width="100%"> </figure> .caption[ From [James et al. 2020]( ] --- # A more general approach * The Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve: Compares the False Positive Rate to True Positive Rate give a particular threshold * The Area Under the Curve (AUC) score provides an estimate of the performance of a classifier under all possible threshold values --- name: bootstrap class: center middle main-title section-title-4 # Resampling-based techniques