Raster data models for geographic information

Today we’ll be exploring the raster data model and how it is implemented within the spatial packages in the R computing environment.


These chapters are not ‘prerequisite’ reading for the week, but provide a lot of helpful background for raster proccessing in R.

  • The raster package vignette has a number of helpful examples for different workflows with raster objects in R.

  • The terra package vignette describes the new raster functions available in terra, their relationship to those in the raster package, and the changes in syntax between the two.

  • The Functional Programming and Measuring performance from Advanced R (Wickham 2019) provide an excellent introduction to developing your own functions for repeated operations and ways to optimise code for large problems. Raster data processing often involves repeating (sometimes multiple) steps 100s of times. These chapters introduce strategies for developing functions for repeated operations and identfying and fixing bottlenecks in those functions.


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Wickham, H. 2019. Advanced r. chapman; hall/CRC.
